“The Magical Café of Symi'' was deeply inspired by the timeless beauty of Symi island. The book transports young readers to the enchanting and colourful island, blending the whimsicalness of a magical café with the charm of the island. Through the visits of the island’s inhabitants to Maroula’s cafe, children are introduced to Greek culture, food, friendship, and the magic of international discovery.
The back of the book reads: Welcome to the colourful island of Symi, where the sun shines bright and the crystal-clear sea stretches as far as the eye can see. In Maroula’s heartwarming café, every meal is a celebration and every visitor tells the story of timeless traditions from the island. Illustrated in vibrant pages that capture the charm of Symi,”The Magical Café of Symi Island“ is an ode to community, friendship, and the feast of senses that is Greece.